4 Books to Improve your Personal Finance

There are hundreds of videos, blogs, and books that can teach you about finance. There are also countless courses online on personal finance and investing, and even influencers dedicated their channels just to this topic. This is a lot of information and resources, which can be overwhelming for someone who is just looking to get started.
So, for anyone looking to start their journey towards a healthier financial life and the best options to achieve wealth and success, here is a list to start.

‘The Psychology of Money’ by Morgan Housel

This is a great book to get you started. It is narrated in the form of stories—19 short stories that dive into the different ways people think about money. It is a very easy read with a very gentle and forgiving approach to personal finance, that does not make readers feel guilty about not having amassed a big fortune before their thirties.
They are ‘timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness’ and the whole narrative is directed at achieving happiness, not just money.

“Use money to gain control over your time, because not having control of your time is such a powerful and universal drag on happiness. The ability to do what you want, when you want, with whom you want, for as long as you want to, pays the highest dividend that exists in finance.”

‘The Money Manual’ by Tonya Rapley

This is also a very down-to-earth book destined to guide anyone looking to improve their personal finance by learning to manage their money better. It will not teach you a lot about investment, but it will teach you how to have a healthier financial life by budgeting and spending more smartly, saving, and not getting into debt or getting out of debt fast, so that then you’ll be ready to think about investing.

‘The Financial Diet: A Total Beginner’s Guide to Getting Good with Money,’ by Chelsea Fagan and Lauren Ver Hage

For anyone who has been doing research about finance on YouTube, Chelsea and Lauren might already be familiar names. Their YouTube channel focuses primarily on practical tips to improve your finances, from managing school debt to career advice and asking for a raise or a promotion at work.

The Financial Diet book is a great resource if you are young and confused about money, or simply want to get better at it. It is mostly aimed at millennials or young people right out of college, however, there is practical advice on just about anything money-related in an effortless and digestible way.

‘The Intelligent Investor’ by Benjamin Graham

Now that we’ve learned to take care of our money, to get out of debt and stay that way, build credit, and we’ve got that promotion or that second job, it’s time for investing.

The Intelligent Investor teaches investors to develop long-term strategies. It is great for new investors who are trying to figure out the basics of how the market works.


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