Keeping up with the Guardian Angels

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  • Cleveland Guardian Angels organization partners with St. Augustine Church to deliver free meals

Cleveland Guardian Angels organization partners with St. Augustine Church to deliver free meals

In the midst of the Corona Virus spread Guardian Angel Chapters all across the world are out in their communities helping in what ever way that they can. In Cleveland that has had a Guardian Angel Chapter since the early 1980’s. They operate on the West Side of Cleveland and have partnered with St. Augustines Church to distribute food to those who need it in the Lincoln Park area and other areas of Cleveland. They have their HQ in St. Augustines and they have partnered with the church and other community groups in the past to help their city..

Once again the Guardian Angels are proving that The ” GA FEAR NOT. ” Iron Eagle has had to battle all types of medical issues in the last few years that required hospitalization. In true Fashion Iron Eagle leads by example. He is out in the community reassuring and being the calming influence during this Corona Virus Crisis as he has been at other times for the people of Cleveland. They once again are doing a great job for the people in Cleveland.


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