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  • From La La Land to 1917: The Marvel of one take Scenes and the Pinnacle of Fluid Cinematography
Photo Credits; Daniel Guerra, Unsplash

From La La Land to 1917: The Marvel of one take Scenes and the Pinnacle of Fluid Cinematography

One-take shots are technically complex, emotionally engaging, and spectacular in their execution. They are the cinematic equivalent of magic tricks. These nonstop scenes take audiences to the location of a film and give them the sense that they are living the story directly. One-take shots have the power to transform a film from a simple narrative into a memorable experience, as seen by the tense, unstoppable momentum of “1917” and the beautiful, organized chaos of “La La Land”.

However, Sam Mendes’ “1917” uses single-take shots to intensify the suspense and give viewers a sense of unrelenting intensity. The combat scenes in the movie are crafted to give the impression that they are taking place in real-time, with the camera tracking the heroes as they avoid dangerous terrain and potentially fatal obstacles. With the help of this continuous shot method, the viewer is placed directly in the trenches with the characters, sharing their every moment of danger, dread, and hope. 

“La La Land” opens with a lavish musical number on a Los Angeles street, beautifully filmed in a single take by Damien Chazelle. The camera travels smoothly throughout the synced chaos, capturing every gesture and facial expression in real time. In addition to showcasing Chazelle’s directing talent, this one image establishes the mood for the whole movie, transporting viewers to a place where dancing and song are carefully planned yet impromptu displays of passion.

These movies show us the power of one-take shots and how they can elevate ordinary settings to breathtaking cinematic moments. The fluidity of these shots transports us to the world of the movies. It gives us the impression that we are experiencing the action alongside the characters, whether it’s during a thrilling war scene or a lively musical performance. The real power of one-take shots is how they transform films into engrossing, life-changing experiences.


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