Video of the Month for November 2021

Freestyle legend George LaMond teams with New York producer and artist Flygroove for “I Believe In Love”. #freestyle4ever

Directed by Joey Pintauro @flygroove

AD: Vince Alvarado @airvince1

Andrew Garcia @rosepapi305
Carmelo Varela @carmelovarela
Connor Landhauser @connor_landhauser

Tyler Bertram @itstylerb
Lucky Lott @theluckylott

Edited by Joey Pintauro and Vince Alvarado

Carlos Berrios @berriosbeats

Production Assistant: Andres Alvarez

Cast: George LaMond @therealgeorgelamond
Elizabeth Rodriguez @theonlyelizabethrodriguez
Jeremy Guerrero @iamjeremyguerrero
Crystal Abadia @chrissyskills

Choreography: Matthew Rivera @_matthewrivera

Dancers: LJ Bologna @ljbolgna_
Ken Butta @kenbutta
Briana Gobourne @bribirg
Sam Javi @sam.javi
Carlos Kidd @x_carloskidd
Erika Naranjo @erikanaranjo
Jackie Torres @jackietorres_

Music: Artist: Flygroove + George LaMond Song: I Believe In Love

Songwriter: Paula Cole

Produced by Joey Pintauro and Pascal Zumaque

©2021 Flygroove Media LLC

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