Is Lululemon the Best-Quality Athletic Store?

Let’s be honest, everyone has heard of Lululemon. Founded in 1998, the franchise has 711 stores worldwide and sells online. Although the company has other competitors, consumers may say Lululemon’s clothing is the best quality of them all. 

According to Lululemon’s official site and ‘Quality Promise’, “We use high-performance fabrics and innovative construction techniques to deliver an unparalleled feel and fit. If a fabric doesn’t already exist that supports guests through their changing environments and activities, we’ll create it. When it comes to our products, we have very high standards.” Lululemon strives to put their customers’ needs first and has high expectations for all their products.

As a Lululemon legging-lover, I have always believed their leggings are made from the best fabric. The leggings are tight/secure yet have a good stretch on them, so they fit snug to your figure. They also do not roll easily, leaving a seamless look from the front and the back. If you have not already invested in your own pair, do it now! It will be a staple piece in your everyday wardrobe. 

If you research reviews on their athletic wear and accessories, you will be happy to find nothing but positive comments on their “comfortable” and “slimming” clothing. 

Claimed by, “While the company’s products are mostly targeted at women who aim for a healthy lifestyle while balancing a busy life, the company has expanded its reach by also bringing men and youth into its fold. In fact, in 2014, the company opened its first store geared towards men in New York.” Over the past decade, I have noticed a significant increase in men wearing Lululemon apparel, especially amongst my close friends. This addition has brought in many more consumers and has increased their sales. 

Is Lululemon the best-quality athletic store? Based off this information and opinions of customers, it seems that they blow the question out of the water with an obvious, “YES!” 


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