The film, “It Ends With Us” based off of author Colleen Hoover’s heart breaking romance novel is due to release in theaters August 9.
Starring Blake Lively as the main character, Lily Bloom, and Justin Baldoni (who is also directing) as her significant other, Ryle Kincaid, the two worked together to create an emotional piece about love, loss, trauma, independency, and abuse. This is the first of Hoover’s novels that will be on screen, and it is safe to say viewers are on the edge of their seats, waiting for the release.
As an avid reader and one of many fans of the book, I am very excited to see if the movie will live up to the glory of the book itself. It received much praise and success since being published in 2016. “It was #1 on the Publishers Weekly adult list and #1 overall in the first six months of 2022, selling a total of 925,221 units. It was also #1 on the Publisher Weekly annual list, selling a total of 2,729,007 copies.” According to Wikipedia. Hoover also published a sequel called, “It Starts With Us” in 2022, which takes us on a journey with Lily through her first, innocent love with Atlas Corrigan.
Because many people get their hopes up for movies based off of books they adore, it is easy to get let down. There has been some worry that the film will not hit the mark or reach to the viewers’ standards like the novel did. Some fans are also upset with the casting of Blake Lively as Lily due to the obvious age difference between her and the character. “Colleen Hoover admitted to making a mistake with Lily’s age in the novel, prompting the decision to age up the characters for the film.” Stated
Although there have been some worries, the concept of the movie itself is vulnerable and touching. It will be difficult for many to dislike the film because the message and theme is so powerful. Will it be as powerful as the read? We will find out August 9.