Male Model of the Month for July 2023


Sean O’pry Is claimed to be one of the most successful male models since 2013. Sean is also one of the Highest paid international models. Sean was discovered on social media after posting his prom photos. Since then he’s been history, walking ramps at international fashion weeks and being the face of several mega-hit brands and music videos. With his sweet boy-next-door face and towering height, he sways girls worldwide. Sorry, ladies, he is sadly taken by the only Fernandaliz.

Sean currently has 683,000 Instagram followers and they are from all over the globe. He and his girlfriend share a golden retriever together and the fans can’t get enough of his puppy smiles. Sean O’pry was born to a half-Native American and half-Irish family on July 1989 in Kennesaw, Georgia. He grew up in the countryside and attended school at ‘North Cobb High School’


Past Picks of the Month

Abas Abdirazaq 

Akbar Shamji

Kit Price

Yang Hao

Jordan Barrett

Fernando Líndez

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