The Mirror
When I look in the mirror I see a kids dream becoming true, Mines I see a kid from the projects in this mirror who’s gonna become a winner, Me.
I endured everything u can only imagine unless you were me, Poverty Death Treachery A drug monopoly Lobby coke factory’s Infinite flier miles From those constantly flying to the sky.
The reflection of the mirror is this guy, but when he was a misguided kid, Me.
I was a breeze swept away by the wind, then by a storm, then by a hurricane of destruction corruption Which caused desolation, desertion. Everyone is gone except a few tumbleweeds, the mirror is looking at one of them, Me.
I was so mad, kicked out, evicted, my rent and the time its do was always conflicted, me and mamma became nomads, this is why I see riches, I’m already used to living with rags, bullets burnt and knifes stab, the guy in the mirror is, Me Trials and tribulations, hurdles and obstacles I overcame to stare in this mirror, I held a gun in the mirror I posed with dead men in this mirror I counted a few million in front of this mirror A killer killed the people I posed with and counted a million with in this mirror, it took 40 years for me to be ok with this reflection I see of Me.
We all do what we must, I pass no judgment, some people walked by when I was doing what I must, then judge, with that I wasn’t content.
My stomach cramps of hunger gave me consent.
So I took those packs to feed the indians in my tent, under this condition, the streets give permission, to survive.
I am the man in the mirror, that struggled to stay alive
Infinite the Poet
Albert Carrasco
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