Keeping up with the Guardian Angels

The NYC Parks Department Refuses to Apologize

Yesterday Guardian Angel Jose Gonzalez was patrolling with his group on the Coney Island boardwalk when he saw two employees from the Parks Department wiping down a men’s bathroom with an American flag.  With all of the turmoil now going on in NYC this is just one more example of a total lack of respect with no intention other than annoying other people, which is exactly what happened.  An elderly veteran confronted the Parks Dept. workers he was dismissed and understandably left the restroom angrily.  There is no excuse for desecrating the American flag or dishonoring veterans who risked their life for this country.  So today on Flag Day the Guardian Angels decided to undo the wrong that was perpetrated yesterday. 

Update – Today the Park Department refused to apologize for the actions of their workers yesterday but have clearly transferred them to another location as they were not on site today.  As you can see the Guardian angels have two American flags that they are holding outside the bathrooms on the Coney Island boardwalk.  Maybe the saddest part of this story is that few if any of the hundreds of people passing even know that it is Flag Day.  Here’s to all those who have served our country, died defending it and those who carry the Patriotic spirit, we honor you today.   


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