Keeping up with the Guardian Angels

The Subway Cars are Clean but The Homeless Are Still There

The Subway cars are finally being cleaned every nite. The whole system is shut down from 1am-5am for cleaning. The homeless and Emmotionally Disturbed are removed and are given 3 choices by a phalanx of Cops, Social Workers and Subway workers. They offer to take them to shelters but most refuse it because they know that the shelters have been hit hard by Corona Virus. They are offered a trip to a hospital to deal with medical or mental health issues. Most refuse that offer. Most just choose to leave the Subways and hang out into the neighborhoods until the subways begin running again at 5 am. We continue to clean up and feed the homeless on the subways each day. There has been no noticeable decrease in their numbers. In fact at times “newer” members appear to have entered their subway riding ranks. This is the problem:

We spend millions of dollars to shuttle the homeless and EDP’s from place to place and yet their numbers continue to grow. The Governor of NY Cuomo and the Mayor of NYC De blasio refuse to FORCE the homeless to get shelter and help. Over the years they have closed Pychiatric Hospitals. Many of the Emotionally Disturbed are supposed to be taking medication to deal with their mental health issues. They have no access to care and the meds that will and have helped them in the past are no longer available to them. While the MTA cleans the Subway finally every nite they continue to keep the bathrooms locked up. Where are the homeless to relieve themselves? Where do you think? The Subways and the Streets. We are spending millions of badly needed taxpayer dollars and getting little results. That’s why we as the Guardian Angels will continue to do what we do without hitting up the tax payers.

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