Two decades ago, Wicked, the reimagined story of The Wizard of Oz, made its Broadway debut, starring Idina Menzel as Elphaba and Kristin Chenoweth as Glinda. Translated into six languages, performed in over 100 cities, and seen by more than 65 million, Wicked is a phenomenon, and today, it’s hitting another milestone with the release of Universal Pictures’ film adaptation.
Directed by John M. Chu and starring Cynthia Erivo as Elphaba and Ariana Grande as Glinda, the two-hour and forty-minute movie is only half the story – fans will have to wait a year-long intermission before the second film drops in November of 2025. So far, critics have been charmed by the gravity-defying adaptation, which earned a 90% fresh score on Rotten Tomatoes. Erivo’s performance has garnered the most attention, with critics describing her as “joyous” and “scrumptious.”
As with any adaptation of a famous piece of media, fans had opinions about Wicked before actually watching the film. Many voiced concerns online that the cinematography felt stale and the lighting seemed muted; however, most of those concerns were quickly forgotten once Erivo and Grande harmonized on screen.
Fans have also praised Grande’s performance as Glinda. Despite her successful career as a pop singer, many forgot she previously worked as a young actor on Victorious. Using her acting background and impressive vocals, Grande stunned in renditions of “Popular” and “What is This Feeling?”
Grande drew controversy toward the film earlier this year when she confirmed reports that she was romantically involved with co-star Ethan Slater. Slater and Grande divorced their partners earlier this year, and tabloids reported that the romance began before Slater’s divorce from Lily Jay, who is also the mother of his young child. Despite backlash online and allegations that Grande isn’t “A Girl’s Girl,” the immediate success of Wicked and the palpable chemistry between their two characters seems to have pushed the conversation into the recesses of most minds.
Wicked is a joyful escape into a fun fantasy world of classic songs and breathtaking performances by the two female leads. Fans who attend any screening in the first two weeks should be prepared for the onslaught of current and former theater kids who will be singing along to every song.