Videographer of the Month for June 2024

Josh Herum is a rising videographer/cinematographer. Born in Germany and raised in the United States, Herum took up video making at a young age using his father’s vhs and point and shoot cameras. It wasn’t until 2014 when he began his professional career.  
Following his first independent short film, a documentary named Hope, Herum has branches out towards many different styles of video making. In addition to documentaries, Herum has shot music videos, narrative short films, commercials, interviews, and other promotional material. In particular, Herum became the Director of Photography in 2022 for two feature films, A Road to a Village and Flower Garden.
Herum has worked with highly acclaimed media companies including Netflix, BBC, Meta, Sony Music, The Wall Street Journal, Procter & Gamble, Panasonic and more.
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Past Picks of the Month

Maey The Creator

Parker Walbeck

Josh Herum

Corry Raymond

Arielle Harding

Chilion Thomas

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