Now, more than ever, the importance of mental health is universally recognized. The news can be scary, life can be stressful, and at some point, we all need to take some time to step back and “reset” our minds.
There’s no “go-to” activity that helps everyone do this. The goal is to find something you enjoy that also takes some of the stress out of your busy life, something we all need and deserve to do.
Stuck? Don’t worry, here are some ideas to help you get started!
Anything artistic is a great mental escape. Drawing, writing, beading, you name it! These activities require your whole mind. Debating what colors work together, what you want to write, or the best pattern, such decisions require full concentration, taking your thoughts off whatever is stressing them out. Plus, in the end, you’ve created something you’re proud of, it’s a win-win.
Staying somewhat in the art department, culinary arts can also relieve stress. Whether cooking dinner or baking a sweet treat, a sense of control is given to the person in the kitchen. Plus, what you make is up to you.
Don’t consider yourself “good” in the kitchen? Don’t worry! You don’t have to go for complex, expert-level dishes, choose a recipe you want. Whether it’s as simple as grilled cheese or chocolate chip cookies, or as complex as a challenge on Gordon Ramsay’s “Hell’s Kitchen”, what matters is that it’s calming and fun for you.
Of course, don’t forget about two other mental “resets” that are oldies but goodies: escaping into the world of books or finding an exercise routine that works for you! One gets the imagination going, the other can boost endorphins and make you feel good and, the best part, it’s, again, your call.
Like everything else, an activity that helps one person relax might not help someone else. Experiment and find what’s right for you. So, if you want, put on your favorite artist, podcast, or YouTube channel and start experimenting! There’s a world of mental “reset” activities for you to try.