Picture of Lily Tringali

Lily Tringali

Bio: Lily Tringali is a sophomore at SUNY Oswego where she is studying Creative Writing and Cinema and Screen Studies. Her passion for writing started when she was a young girl, and she loves to use her creativity in many different ways. When she isn't writing, you may find her reading anything written by Stephen King. Lily is thrilled to be joining the NYC Tastemakers team where she hopes to expand her knowledge on all things revolving writing.

Russian propagandists use American celebrities as props for their misinformation campaign

Starting in July of 2023, pro-Russia social media channels, such as Cameo, were found spreading and sending misleading videos of American celebrities. These videos are said to be “deceptively edited to push anti-Ukraine propaganda” specifically attacking Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Cameo is a social media platform where fans can request ...

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Korean ‘color analysis’ technique: Is it the next big thing?

Korea, a country that some people may consider as the world’s beauty capital, is responsible for producing the latest beauty trends that go viral around the world. One of those trends being the new and fascinating color analysis. Color analysis is based on a trend from the 80s that would ...

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