Chicago has had 440 homicides in the first 6 months of this year. That’s a 50% increase since last year. They’ve had 2,240 shootings. A 50% increase since last year. They’ve also had riots and looting. It is without a doubt the most dangerous city in America.
During all this Thomas “Tut” Hunt our leader of the Chicago Guardian Angels was bed ridden with Corona Virus. He has been a Guardian Angel for 41 years. He never felt worse in his life and thought that he might not survive. He survived and got back on track physically. Listen to Tut. He’s not waiting for his Mayor, the Chicago PD or President Trump to save his city of Chicago.
He’s got his recruitment cards ready. He’s out there every day recruiting and patrolling. He’s gonna take his City back He’s not waiting for the politicians or the police. He was with us in the Bronx in 1979 when we began to take back the Subways from the gangs and thugs. He’s been in the Belly of the Beast before and he knows what the Guardian Angels in Chicago have to do to take their city back from the gangs.
Recently there was a drive by shootings on the west side of Chicago at a Gang Members wake. 60 shots were fired by both
sides. 15 were wounded. When Tut was asked about this he said, “it’s time to get busy. It’s time to Rock and Shock the streets of Chicago.” When others Fear we the Guardian Angels Fear Not. Listen to his motivating message for all of us.