Congress Passes Covid Relief Bill

Monday, Congress voted to pass a COvid-19 relief package and government funding bill.  This followed congressional leaders finally settling on a deal for their second round of relief to Americans struggling with the pandemic, late Sunday.

The new relief package is nearly $900 billion dollars.  Included are a new round of stimulus checks. These are up to $600 per person for individuals earning $75,00 per year and married couples who earn up to $150,000, with $600 more for each dependent under 18 living in the same household. 

Unemployment insurance and federal unemployment insurance are also extended $300 a week.  This will also provide over $284 billion in additional loans for businesses for paying rent and workers.  $69 billion is allocated for testing and vaccine distribution as well as $82 billion for colleges and schools.

 Among items left out to compromise on the bill are funding for states and localities for Medicare or relief for teachers and first responders.  Additionally, liability protection from Covid-19 related lawsuits for businesses, universities, and health care centers were left out.

President Donald Trump is anticipated to sign the bill within the next few days.  Government funding, however, ran out at midnight on the 21st.  As the bill is 5,600 pages, which is the longest bill the Senate Historical Office could find record of passing through congress, lawmakers ensured measures to avoid a government shutdown for the next seven days were attached.


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