DJ of the Month for May 2023


Taking over Tik-Tok with catchy remixes and turn’s like no other. DJ Paris Lawrence is young hot, and hip. Three days ago, her TikTok of her remix of Hold Yuh X Up Down reached 57.5k likes and 570.2k views. She currently stands strong with 830k on her Tik-Tok account @djparislawrence.

Paris previously studied music production at University. She is only 22 and is already growing her platform rapidly, with loyal fans, good music, and vibes. Paris has loved music since she was very young and continues to love it as she continues her education.

She has played with artists such as Lil Yachty, Tory Lanez, and Bow Wow. The fun extrovert is home to Sydney, Australia, and making a cut into nightlife with her talent, partnering with Vince Deltito, the management team behind world-renowned DJ Havana Brown. Paris has performed at high-end places such as Marquee, Ivy, and Dragonfly Jakarta.

Past Picks of the Month

DJ Camilo

DJ Steelo

G-Bo The Pro

John “Jellybean” Benitez


Glenn Friscia

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