Do We Still Need Libraries?

With people having more access to the internet in their homes, there is less of a need for libraries from the public. This confronts libraries with the threat of closing. This leads to the question of: do we still need libraries? The short and simple answer is yes, and here is why. 

Public libraries are vital to maintaining equal access to education. Most libraries offer various free resources to help people of all ages with different skills. Nowadays, patrons enter public libraries to find what they will read next, to ask questions about job applications and resume writing, or to fill out government forms, including tax and health insurance paperwork. All these questions are answered by highly skilled librarians without any charge. Libraries are highly resourceful for those with a low income. Even though in the past 2,000 years there have been many changes and innovations, libraries have kept their main purpose to provide visitors with the information they are looking for and be certain about giving the truth. Regardless of the information visitors are looking for, they can easily access it through the help of skilled and well-trained librarians. Librarians have to go through a lot of schooling and training because they have such a significant role in the public and education. 

Libraries are safe places parents can bring their children to learn and grow. I can remember weekly visits to the library when I was younger, and it helped quench my curiosity. There is always so much to do and see in libraries.  For several decades now, libraries have made significant efforts to keep themselves relevant in the computer age with efforts to computerize services and develop new technology. Libraries may not be as important as they used to be, but they still hold so much value in every community. Mothers join baby story-times clubs, elderly people attend events and find ways to connect with people, teenagers meet up in libraries with their study groups for teambuilding or school projects, and readers discuss current events in private rooms or on comfortable couches. Libraries provide a safe space for everyone. It is common for libraries to also serve as community centers for diverse populations by supporting non-English speakers to help them integrate into the community. Libraries are all very transparent with the public, which is refreshing. Many people do not realize this, but they help generate the local economy as well through the services they provide. In helping individual community members financially succeed in their lives and small businesses, libraries help entire communities succeed at boosting their economy and growing their local wealth.

Most people probably underestimate their local library, not knowing how much they can really help. From providing access to technology to preserving history, there’s something for everyone at the library. Libraries are vital to communities and are definitely still a necessity.


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