Billy the Batboy's Corner

Do You Have a Big Enough Reason Why? 

A few years ago, it was a rainy Monday morning in my Sports Psychology class at Montclair State University. I was one of the few students who had some energy and was happy to chat with the professor. Dr. Rob Gilbert, one of the greatest sports psychology professors in the country, told me that “If you have a big enough reason why, you’ll find and do the how.” He reiterated that statement to the class during the hour-long lecture. It seemed to go over everyone’s head.

Dr. Gilbert always had a way of motivating you – similar to how a phone charger fuels your iPhone. Spending some time with Dr. G helped realign your mind.

I felt like the only student in that classroom who believed that I was willing to find and do the how in order to achieve what I wanted. I didn’t sense on that rainy morning that anyone else in the class truly had a big enough reason why. They didn’t care or really want to be there.

Do you have a big enough reason why?

I know my purpose, and that’s to help inspire athletes and help inform them through my experiences in baseball. When you find your why, you can dig depper inside of you and figure out the how and execute it.

How bad do you want it? Do you want to play in the major leagues? Do you want to become a doctor? Do you want to be the first person in your family to enroll in a college? Well, your actions will speak for how bad you truly want it. It may not happen quickly. In fact, it’s guaranteed to not happen quickly, but if you’re committed and faithful, you increase your luck!

Go find and do the how, but only if you have a big enough reason why.

Social Media: @billythebatboy

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