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  • Drama queen Marjorie Taylor Greene wasted precious time by forcing vote to oust Speaker Mike Johnson. (Op-Ed)
Photo Credit: U.S. House of Representatives

Drama queen Marjorie Taylor Greene wasted precious time by forcing vote to oust Speaker Mike Johnson. (Op-Ed)

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene tried and failed in a foolishly brazen attempt to oust House Speaker Mike Johnson, wasting everyone’s time and taxpayer dollars on an issue that no one cared about. It was widely believed that both Democrats and Republicans would reject the vote, yet Greene continued anyway. This drama queen feeds off of attention, even negative attention from her annoyed colleagues.

One of Donald Trump’s biggest supporters in Congress, Greene stood on the House floor late Wednesday evening and read an egregiously long list of “transgressions” she said Johnson had committed as speaker, from his passage of a $95 billion national security package with aid for Ukraine to his reliance on Democrats to wield power. Colleagues booed in protest, but Greene continued yapping, criticizing Johnson’s leadership as “pathetic, weak and unacceptable.” No one was interested in this vote.

There are far more important issues to be discussed in Congress than a childish, stupid attempt to send the House into chaos just to get her name on another headline. Are you happy now, Greene? Children are dying in Palestine from starvation, Ukraine is suffering major attacks from Russia who seek to destroy them, and the American people are unable to afford groceries. None of that matters to Greene. Her constituents don’t matter. Human lives don’t matter. Basic human decency doesn’t matter. Greene cannot handle the spotlight being taken off her for even a second.

Only 11 Republicans voted to oust Johnson. Let that sink in. She preached to a choir of 11 mindless followers and 423 unwilling participants who found her façade to be laughable, juvenile, and a supreme waste of time. Greene does not care to do her job; she spends her time making a spectacle of herself so that her beloved Donald Trump will give her a shred of attention and praise her. She is the laughingstock, poorly made-up clown of the GOP, not some little princess who is making a difference. If anyone should be removed from Congress, and believe me I have a long list, Greene’s name is at the top.


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