Photo Credits: United States House of Representatives

Elise Stefanik: Future VP?

At only 39 years old, Rep. Elise Stefanik has made headway through the ranks of Congress and there are hints that she could be Donald Trump’s future running mate. But who is she?

Stefanik made history as one of the youngest women to ever be elected to Congress at only 30. She repeatedly praised legislators who were willing to work with opposing party members to reach solutions. She was also once widely known as a moderate.

“I believe that the path to grow the GOP is to have a positive message with new types of candidates,” Stefanik said.

However, her profile has changed in recent years as she defended Trump during his first impeachment in 2019.

“I am ultra-MAGA. And I’m proud of it,” she said in May of 2022.

Her recent, and sometimes controversial, remarks on her views regarding Trump, the election of 2020, and immigration have garnered her more support from Republicans. Which is a plot twist considering that she hasn’t always been fond of the former POTUS leader whose stance on NATO she disagreed with and called, “inappropriate, offensive” and “just wrong.”

However, her more recent change of tune in support of Trump changes the tide of what her future might look like in Congress. Trump himself has spoken highly of Stefanik. At a dinner conversation, attendees heard Trump commend her for the viral comments she made blasting three university presidents at a congressional hearing concerning antisemitism on campus.

“She’s a killer,” he said.

Only time will tell if Stefanik will be one of the individuals being congratulated in November.


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