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  • Florida leads the nation in book banning, with over 1,400 titles removed

Florida leads the nation in book banning, with over 1,400 titles removed

A recent report has dropped a concerning revelation – Florida is leading the nation when it
comes to banning books from school libraries. According to PEN America, a nonprofit
organization that monitors book banning, a staggering 40% of all books banned in the entire
United States has been in Florida.
The simple act of checking out a book from a school library has become increasingly
complicated in Florida. Some students now need permission slips just to access books. It’s a
bureaucratic nightmare that’s making reading a book feel like a complex mission.
But what lies at the heart of this issue? Florida has gone as far as banning more than 1,400
books, with a significant number of them addressing crucial subjects like race, racism, and
LGBTQ+ characters.
Dr. Paula Porter is fighting back against these book bans in Lee County, Florida. She believes
that a small minority is imposing their beliefs on the majority of students and parents, all while
claiming it’s for the sake of parental rights.
These bans are often pushed by conservative groups like Moms for Liberty. Florida’s “Parents
Bill of Rights,” signed by Governor Ron DeSantis, has provided the legal framework for the
removal of these books.
But Florida’s influence in book banning isn’t confined to its borders. Other states have taken
cues from Florida’s legislation and advocacy. Moms for Liberty, which started in Florida, has
now expanded to nearly 300 chapters across 44 states.
While some argue that these book removals empower parents, others see it as a form of
censorship. The books being banned often tackle themes of race, feature minority or LGBT
characters, or explore subjects related to sexual orientation.
This report underscores the significant role that Florida’s conservative advocacy groups and
state laws play in driving book bans. It’s revealed that states leaning Republican are responsible
for a whopping 88% of book removals, with Democrat-leaning states imposing fewer bans.
A small group of individuals wields an outsized influence in removing books from library shelves.
However, public sentiment doesn’t align with this trend – surveys show that most Americans do
not support book bans.
The vague nature of existing laws and the tendency to “play it safe” have led to more books
being reviewed or removed. Critics argue that this trend could limit diversity and restrict the
range of books available to students.

In the end, Florida’s book-banning statistics raise concerns about censorship and its impact on
students’ access to a wide variety of literature.


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