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  • Friends of the High Line fight Related Companies on their plan to build a casino near the popular NY attraction

Friends of the High Line fight Related Companies on their plan to build a casino near the popular NY attraction

Related Companies has several plans for a rail yard in Manhattan’s Far West Side. The New York Times explains that they hope to build, among other things, a 1,180-foot apartment building, a 1,376-foot office building, a public school, and a daycare. While some citizens might see these construction projects in a positive light, regular park visitors are extremely unhappy.

Friends of the High Line are displeased that the plan also includes a 200-foot podium, which will host a casino and a building with 1,750 hotel rooms, near the western part of the High Line. Alan van Capelle, executive director of the park group, believes that the casino would “gravely endanger the High Line experience”.

Friends of the Highline showed their concern with a rally this past Wednesday, hoping to show visitors what could be lost if the podium is built.

Mr. van Capelle stated that Friends of the Highline are only opposed to the podium, not the entire plan, as they believe, the NY Times says, it would be overwhelming.

State Senator Brad Hoylman-Sigal, is shocked by the park group’s hostility towards Related Companies. According to the NY Times, Related Companies have previously benefited from advertising the park and, since the Highline opened 15 years ago, Related Companies has donated millions of dollars its way.  

An anonymous spokeswoman for the construction company emphasizes how attempts to compromise with Friends of the High Line have been made. According to her, as quoted by the Times, Related Companies had previously “made substansive changes…in response to their concerns…they did not raise additional issues…now evident they simply do not want new development…no matter the obvious economic, housing, and community benefit”.

Despite how difficult it is to get permission to build one in New York, casinos can be great money-makers. According to the NY Times, at least 11 bidders hope to be permitted to construct one in NYC.

If Related Companies want to build a casino, they need to start getting some support. The NY Times says that the New York State Gaming Facility Board, which is directing the application process, expects to announce the winners of the casino proposals by the end of 2025. Between now and then, anything can happen.

For now, visitors and Friends of the High Line, can still enjoy the view, take photos, and make memories there, and probably will for a while.


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