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Photo Credits: cbsnews.com

Health Care is Not a Persuading Topic Amongst Republicans

This week, Donald Trump gave a speech at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. In his speech, the topic of health care was hardly talked about by Trump or other speakers. 

“The silence is surprising, given health care makes up the largest chunk of the federal budget, nearly $2 trillion, as well as 17% of U.S. economic output.” Stated by CBS News

Many people are finding the taboo of health care talk interesting because in 2016 when Trump was first nominated, the Affordable Care Act was a hot topic. Are the former President’s priorities changing? Are people upset by this?

To answer one of these questions that is thought by many, “Health care isn’t a wining subject for Republicans,” said Charles Coughlin to CBS News. Coughlin was a GOP political operative before becoming independent years ago. It has become apparent that the issues that are focused on instead of health care are inflation, crime, and immigration. 

From an article released last August by The Hill, they go onto explain how the GOP remained silent about health care even then, “Still, health care has not been a winning issue for Republicans since the party failed at repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, and Democrats used that failure to win control of the House in 2018.” 

Based on both articles about one year apart, it seems to have become a normalcy within the Republican party to not focus on the topic of health care during this year’s election. 

In contrast, one of Joe Biden’s biggest topics/plans is about keeping health care costs low. “To do that, the President is calling on Congress to make the expanded premium tax credits that the Inflation Reduction Act extended permanent.” According to whitehouse.gov

As we grow closer to the election day by day, the country can only wonder if the difference in health care opinions will make or break votes. Time will only tell. 


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