How Does the RNC Support the Republican Party?

The RNC, Republican National Committee, is a U.S. political committee that administers the GOP, Grand Old Party. The RNC oversees the activities of the Republican Party. They are responsible for developing and promoting the policies of Republicans.

The Start of the Republican National Committee

The Republican Party was founded in 1854, and then two years later, the RNC was developed. The GOP was united to abolish slavery, standing for freedom and prosperity. To this day, the RNC takes great pride in coordinating campaign strategies for the Republican Party. 

How the RNC Operates

The RNC assists in fundraising for the Republican Party, as well as strategizing for elections. Unifying the party is a big aspect of what the RNC does, keeping their supporters up to date with the latest news, who is planning on running, and upcoming events. They are huge on standing behind their respected candidates and staying loyal to their supporters.

Republican National Convention

Prior to every presidential election, the RNC organizes and runs the Republican National Convention. The purpose of this assembly is to officially nominate and announce candidates from the Republican Party who will be running for President and Vice President. This convention is also where they publicize and launch their fall campaign. This event is very important for the Republican Party as it informs and prepares voters for the upcoming election. 

RNC Beliefs and how They Help the Republican Party

Republicans have a firm political standpoint and strong beliefs in their constitutional rights.  They promote opportunities for all citizens of America. With a capitalist mindset, the RNC aids towards the working middle class, while pushing for lower taxes, individual freedom, and limited government. These freedom fighters are family oriented and have strong beliefs in the education system and workforce. 

Although election years are the biggest time for the RNC, they work consistently throughout presidential terms to ensure their party is prepared for upcoming fundraisers and other political events.


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