Is natural wine actually healthier than regular wine?

Quite often, we always seem to think that anything natural is healthy, but is this the case with wine? Wine is one of the oldest, most popular, most enjoyed alcoholic beverages. However, have we ever stopped to think about the positive and negative effects that its consumption may have on our health? Based on several sources, natural wine and wine in general do have certain cardiac and digestive pros, but it is worth noting that they also have its fair (reportedly even more) share of negatives. Some of these being cancer, liver diseases, pancreatic diseases, dementia, high blood pressure, sleep disorders, hangovers, and so on.

A lot of people alledge that natural wine hangovers are less severe, and even non-existent. However, a lot of sources, studies, and testimonies revealed that this is far from the truth. 

“There is absolutely no proof that your natural wine hangover will be any less severe,” stated the professor, emeritus, and director of the Robert Mondavi Institute of Wine and Food Science at the University of California, Andrew Waterhouse.

Renowned Wine Writer, Ms. Feiring, agreed with this statement saying that, “she drinks almost exclusively natural wine, and I have had more than my share of hangovers”, as per The New York Times.

Lou Amdur, owner of the wine shop “Lou’s Wine Shop” in Los Angeles, has been in the business of natural wine distribution for reportedly as long as two decades; and he expressed his opinion to Simple Read Magazine.

“I am a professional drinker and am going to call bullshit on the assertion that natural wine doesn’t give you a hangover,” says Amdur. “I have experienced mind-bending hangovers from drinking an excess of wines as pure as the driven snow. The central cause of wine hangovers is good old ethanol, which is a poison. When we drink enough of it, we feel poisoned.”


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