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Kevin McCarthy warns against Trump’s calls for retribution

Donald Trump’s increasingly vindictive rhetoric regarding his possible 2024 presidency has been called out by ex-House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. In a recent interview on CBS Sunday Morning, McCarthy sat down with CBS’s Robert Costa in his first interview since his retirement announcement.

McCarthy remains supportive of Donald Trump despite the overwhelming criticism the former President is receiving from his opponents, dismissing the thought that Trump might be authoritarian.

When confronted by Trump’s recent retributive rhetoric McCarthy was quick to denounce it, telling Costa that the former president’s campaign must be based around renewal and not “revenge.”

“What President Trump needs to do in this campaign, needs to be about rebuilding, restoring, renewing America. It can’t be about revenge,” he said.

“He needs to stop that. Look, I lost the job as speaker. Maybe I don’t have the best advice. I know one thing is I love this country,” he continued. “I want tomorrow to be better than today and I’m going to do everything in my power and be engaged in the process to make it better.”

That said, McCarthy remains supportive of the Trump campaign regardless of the former president’s recent comments, confident that Trump will change and adapt when “he gets all the facts.” 

McCarthy also hopes to serve in Trump’s cabinet were he to win the upcoming election, after officially announcing his endorsement.

“Look, if I’m the best person for the job, yes. I worked with President Trump on a lot of policies,” McCarthy said. “We worked together to win the majority, but we also have a relationship where we’re very honest with one another.”

Trump continues to soar in the polls dominating his competitors Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley with an over 50 percent lead in recent polls, according to NBC News. With the Iowa caucus nearing, it’s almost inevitable that Trump will be the Republican nominee.


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