Keeping up with the Guardian Angels

Manhattan is Dead

It was Friday 7:30pm and I was passing the corner of 6th Ave & Central Park South.  I was stunned to see that the Ritz Carlton Hotel was still all boarded up.  The streets around the area were almost devoid of people.  One block away, as you turn south from the NY Athletic Club, on the corner of Central Park & 7th Ave.  You can see that there is not a car or person in sight; desolate, empty.  De Blasio acts as if we should be all excited that we have reached phase 4 and yet as you look around Manhattan you wouldn’t even know we were beyond phase 1.  The city that “NEVER SLEEPS” seems to be sleeping now morning, noon & night.  How are you going to convince people that Manhattan is returning to normalcy if plywood still remains up on storefronts, homeless and emotionally disturbed roam the streets while restaurants remain empty with their outdoor dining?  It resembles a scene out of Mad Max.