Make Up Artist of the Month for September 2020

21-year-old Marimar Quiroa has taken the spot of September 2020 Makeup Artist of the Month. This Youtube sensation has been wowing viewers with not just her makeup tutorials but her positive attitude. Quiora was born with a facial tumor called cystic hygroma leaving her unable to talk and ultimately using sign language in her videos. She has undergone many surgeries to get her face to its current state but she still struggles to breathe and is forced to eat through a tube in her stomach. Despite what haters have said to her in the past, she wants to show her Youtube viewers that they are beautiful no matter what and to not let people tell you otherwise. Her videos have millions of views and comments and messages pour in from women who tell her what an inspiration she is to all women. Her videos focus on makeup looks around the eyes and she dreams of having her own beauty line one day.
The reason I believe Marimar Quiroa deserves this title is because she truly is a strong, influential woman that uses her platform to prove that every woman is beautiful no matter what. Rather than letting negativity control her life, she has made it her mission to inspire other women to be confident and love themselves. So often, there is a preconceived idea about makeup and how women who wear it are trying to hide their real selves and are “fake,” but in fact, it is an outlet for many women like Marimar to express themselves and feel beautiful for themselves, not for anyone else.