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Metal Head Principal Can Keep Her Job At A Canadian High School

Sharon Burns can keep rocking out to Iron Maiden and working as a principal in a Canadian high school.

Burns, the principal of Eden High School in St. Catherines, Ontario, will be allowed to keep her employment despite the call for her removal from many concerned parents that disapprove of her lifestyle as a metal head.

She made global headlines earlier this month after she shared images on social media displaying herself as a big Iron Maiden fan.

One of the images shows Burns posing in front of an Iron Maiden banner and license plate while doing the “horns” gesture with her hands. The other picture features a figure of Eddie, the band’s mascot, alongside a note that says “Eddie 666” inside a heart. 

A group of outraged parents reacted to the social media posts by starting a Change.org petition to transfer Burns to another school.

“As concerned parents with impressionable children at Eden High School in St. Catharines, Ontario, we are deeply disturbed that the principal assigned to the school blatantly showed Satanic symbols and her allegiance to Satanic practices on her public social media platforms,” the petition reads. 

A counter-petition was launched in support of Burns by students and parents, which contained more than 20,000 signatures and surpassed the original.

The District School Board of Niagara heard both sides of the argument and decided that no policy change or disciplinary action was necessary. Burns also removed the controversial posts from her social media. 

“We know Ms. Burns as a passionate and dedicated educator who is happiest when she can focus on and connect with her students,” said Kim Sweeney, a spokesperson from the school board. 

NYC, NYCTastemakers, sharonburns, highschoolprincipal, ironmaiden, eddie, satanism,


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