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Most States Get A Failing Grade On Gun Laws, According To New Analysis

The United States has already reached over 130 shootings in the first three months of 2023. So it is not a surprise that the U.S. is failing when it comes to gun laws. However, this new analysis published by Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence tells us just how much.

This scorecard revealed what everyone already knows: that more permissive gun laws equal more gun deaths in US states. However, the fact that the government needs analysis to know that suggests a narrow-minded point of view from the people governing us.

Yet the data seems to refuse to influence the people in a higher power with the capacity to implement it. Because multiple states are moving in the direction of making laws even more (lax). In Tennessee, the host of the recent shooting in an elementary school that killed three children and three adults, lawmakers want to roll back age restrictions and make it easier to openly carry a firearm in public. Already in Tennessee, one can carry a gun in public without a background check and without getting training.

This, according to the new analysis by Giffords, is the epitome of the incorrect response to the constant mass shootings since the study revealed that “Of the 10 states with the highest proportion of gun deaths per 100,000 people in 2021, all got failing grades – an F – except New Mexico, which got a C+.”. This is evidence of proof that the lack of gun restriction is the biggest factor in gun violence, so what is the necessity to decrease gun restriction?

A successful decrease in gun restriction could mean, according to the analysis: “these bills would allow for open carry of guns so you don’t just have to keep a gun concealed, but you could sort of openly display your weapon… they would also lower the age that people could carry guns in public right now that you have to be 21 or you’re supposed to be 21. But it would lower the age to 18.”

Twenty-six states already got a failing grade (F) on the 2023 scorecard analysis, that isn’t including the ones that got C or D. And the most important find in the analysis is that: “States that get the highest grades on our scorecard have the lowest rates of gun death. States that have the lowest grades generally have the highest rates of gun death.”


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