Muhammad Ali Musical Coming to Chicago

Some of us have seen his story in person, some have watched his heavy hits on screen, but we have all heard the great story and life of boxer, Muhammad Ali. Soon, we’ll be able to watch his story come to life on stage. “ALI” is a musical to premiere in April 2025 in Chicago. 

The musical is set to tell Ali’s story: beginning in his early days as just a kid named Cassius Clay and following the inspiring moments that led to his transformation into a world-renowned Boxer. 

We will follow the struggles inside and outside the ring and according to the creative team, “experience the story that’s as vibrant and powerful as the man himself.”  

The creative team includes Clint Dryer in charge of the Direction, Book, and Lyrics, Teddy Abrams as the composer, Rich and Tone in charge of Choreography, and Q-Tip as the Co-lyricist and music producer. We will hear several different types of music such as jazz, hip-hop, funk, classical, rock n roll and so much more as this production comes to life. The writing for this production began in 2016 when Abrams started his research and wrote a multimedia rap oratorio about Ali. This began Abrams’s realization that he wanted to show Muhammad Ali on the theater stage in ways that have never been seen before. 

With Muhammad Ali being known as “The Greatest of All Time,” we can only hope this musical will also be the Greatest of its time. You can sign up for newsletter updates for the approaching musical here


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