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Obama Visits Biden to Strengthen Affordable Care Act Plans

“The Affordable Care Act is stronger than it’s ever been,” said President Biden at the White House. “And today, we’re strengthening it even further.” Former President Barack Obama paid a visit to the White House to support Biden on strengthening the Affordable Care Act for families across the United States. The change would come to effect as early as next year, affecting over 200,000 people who do not have enough finances to obtain their own health insurance. On top of that, one million people who do have health insurance would be able to switch to an affordable care plan.

North Carolina Rep. Virginia Foxx, the top Republican on the House Education and Labor Committee, did not agree with the affordable care act plan. She said that the tax costs would increase and the funds would take away from employer-sponsored coverage. No Republican voted for this act.

In the discussion, President Biden said that it has been 12 years since the Affordable Care Act took place to support 30 million Americans, including working parents, young children, college students, and older Americans who struggled in getting health coverage because of finances, their age, and other conditions. He wants to expand the Affordable Care Act to cover all families across the country and allow Medicare to negotiate their drug prices with partnering pharmaceutical companies. Biden points out that more than 60 million Americans are enrolled in Medicare and that provides Medicare leverage to negotiate the prices that are fair towards their customers.

President Biden proposes the American Rescue Plan where insurance premiums for health care are lowered to accommodate Americans during the complications of the pandemic. There are currently 12 states that disagree to expand Medicaid. The disadvantages of making healthcare unaffordable lies a lot on people of low income and women who need exams, check-ups, and supplements to support their pregnancy. Kamala Harris said, “Protecting the health and wellbeing of the people of our nation should not be a partisan issue.  Every person in our nation should be able to access and afford the healthcare they need to thrive — not as a privilege, but as a right.”

On a side note, Obama shared some remarkable thoughts on how the White House has changed. He said, “I confess, I heard some changes have been made by the current president since I was last year. Apparently, Secret Service agents have to wear aviators now. The Navy mess has been replaced by a Baskin Robbins. And there’s a cat running around, which I guarantee you, Beau, it’s funny, would have been very unhappy about. But coming back, even if I have to wear a tie, which I very rarely do these days, gives me a chance to visit with some of the incredible people who serve this White House and serve this country every single day.”

President Biden states that the Affordable Care Act is amazingly strong now. Officials have yet to say the steps that are taken to support families within the care act plan, but the Biden administration is determined in providing funds to alleviate the financial burden that workers must take to live.


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