Photo Credits: Gerd Altmann, Pixabay

Op-Ed: Should We Fear AI or Embrace It?

The thing about artificial intelligence is that without proper regulations, it could replace humans instead of assisting them.

Artificial intelligence isn’t a new concept; it’s long been the topic of sci-fi and dystopian films like “Ex-Machina” (which is a great film, by the way, and if you haven’t watched it, you should). But realistically, the problem isn’t AI taking over; it’s about AI taking human jobs.
AI has already changed industries by replacing human workers with artificial ones. Even creative jobs like photography or musicians aren’t safe, as AI can create art and music.

There are real risks with using AI, but I think getting rid of it completely would be wrong. AI has the potential to revolutionize medicine, accelerate scientific discovery, and solve complex problems. AI-powered tools detect diseases earlier than ever and predict extreme weather patterns. AI doesn’t have to replace human work; it can augment it.

We need to approach AI with a balance of caution. We need regulations that keep human work still human but with extra help from AI tools. Governments, businesses, and researchers must work together to ensure AI benefits us instead of erasing us.

So, I believe we don’t have to get rid of AI, nor fear it, but we must use it wisely instead of letting it replace humans.


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