
In an age where we are so preoccupied with social media and the internet, it’s common to hear someone say that they don’t like to read; but reading used to be a daily ritual for those who wanted the gain knowledge, improve their memory, and broaden their vocabulary. With multiple...
There is very little Argentine literature that is just for fun. I can count with the fingers on one hand the instances I’ve read Argentine fiction, and it was completely devoid of political commentary....
Many view the beloved Anthony Bourdain as someone whose career was built around cooking and cuisine, as he was most famous for his popular food and travel shows. More dedicated fans may also know of his book Kitchen Confidential, which launched his career. It is no secret that Bourdain was...
The five titles that are on the Rapid City Area School Board of Education’s school district surplus list as books “to be destroyed” are the following: 185 copies of "How Beautiful We Were: A Novel" by Imbolo Mbue, 35 copies of "Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic" by Alison Bechdel, 75...
If you enjoy reading it can be difficult to decide what book to pick up next. Or Perhaps you’re trying to get into reading and don’t know where to start. Maybe you’re like me and nothing in the mountain of books on your shelf is quite appealing. Whatever the reason...


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