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  • Rose Sutherland’s “A Sweet Sting of Salt:” A queer reimagining of The Selkie Wife

Rose Sutherland’s “A Sweet Sting of Salt:” A queer reimagining of The Selkie Wife

The Selkie Wife is a prominent story in Celtic folklore that Rose Sutherland has reimagined in the form of a queer love story. A Sweet Sting of Salt is set in a small coastal town in Nova Scotia, somewhere around the late 1800s. We follow Jean, the only midwife in Barquer’s Bay, who has built up a poor reputation among the townsfolk for devious rumors surrounding her sexuality. On a quiet, peaceful night, Jean is woken by a bloodcurdling scream. When she investigates, she finds a young woman in the throes of labor who is only capable of speaking Gaelic — her neighbor’s new wife, Muirin. Jean jumps into action to help deliver the baby, but the newborn is rather unusual.

Unable to stop thinking of Muirin and her infant son, Jean sneaks into her neighbor’s home to spend time with the new mother. Despite the language barrier, the two women form a unique relationship. As Jean teaches her new friend to speak English, Jean can’t help but realize she’s fallen in love. But why does Muirin’s husband forbid his wife from learning English? Why is he enraged when Muirin and her son step towards the sea? Desperate to save the woman she loves; Jean resiliently hunts to uncover the truth.

It is truly difficult to believe that this is a debut novel; Sutherland has crafted the perfect mix of folklore, mystery, and romance. I read this novel in one sitting, completely enraptured by the atmospheric nature of the text. It truly feels as if you can smell the salty seawater, walk along the towering pine trees, and feel the frigid waves on your skin.

Sutherland’s ability to stay true to a traditional folk legend while writing a historical, sapphic love story is remarkable. With prose that has the same ebb and flow as the tides, characters that feel so fleshed out and real, and elements of mythology, this novel absolutely checks all my boxes. The romance between Jean and Muirin builds naturally throughout each chapter, and you can’t help but root for them. This novel is intoxicating, thrilling, and so monumental for the genre. There simply are not enough historical fiction novels that include queer romances, and even less that include folklore. I cannot wait to see what Sutherland writes next; she is an author to watch!

Look for A Sweet Sting of Salt at your local bookstore on April 9th, 2024!

Thank you to NetGalley and Dell for an ARC of this incredible book.


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