
Skin care in the summer: enjoying the season without burning (Op-Ed)

Summer is a fun season: swimming, the Fourth of July, barbecues, vacations, and more. There’s only one thing about this time of year that we can collectively agree is not fun: sunburns. The last thing anyone wants after a fun day out is red, peeling skin that’s sensitive to the touch.

So, how can we stay safe this summer season? I know, I know it’s something we’ve been taught, repeatedly, since we were kids, and still hear when we go for skin screenings. However, there are some things that we aren’t always told.

Firstly, according to dermatologists, sunscreen with zinc is superior to sunscreen that doesn’t include it. Acting as an extra barrier between you and the UV rays of the sun, zinc protects us from what regular sunscreen can’t. I don’t go out into direct sunlight often, which is another way to preserve skin, but when I do, I use sunscreen that includes zinc. Having used it over the past few summers, I’ve seen a major difference in my skin. In simpler terms? I barely gain any color over the summer, but as someone who hates sunburns and wants to preserve her skin, that’s fine by me.

Zinc sunscreen, thankfully, can be found anywhere that sells regular sunscreen. All that’s required is reading the label to see if there’s zinc in the sun protection or not.

It’s not just what we do outdoors that affects our skin, but also what we do indoors. While certain people are more sensitive to certain types of body washes, for those of us who aren’t, I recommend using one with a body scrub component. It’s almost like a scrub at a med spa and helps keep skin healthy and smooth, at least to me.

Of course, hats, sunglasses, staying out of direct sunlight, and reapplying sunscreen are also the biggest precautions one can take when it comes to skin safety over the summer. If you can take the heat, I guess you can also wear longer sleeves—more power to you if you can. If not, that’s fine! Cover up however you feel is best, whether with light clothing or sunscreen, and you’ll be fine. Enjoy the summer weather, get a breath of fresh air, and just stay safe while doing it.


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