The Collected Poems of Sylvia Plath

As was mentioned in a previous article by Helen Trieu on Sylvia Plath’s book, The Bell Jar, Plath is an incredible writer. It is amazing that her heartbreaking yet beautiful poetry is still around to captivate readers across the world today. In a book titled The Collected Poems, we can catch a glimpse into the internal struggles and pain that Plath felt in her lifetime. This book contains 224 of her poems. Although these poems were edited by her abusive husband, Ted Hughes, the reader is still able to witness the ups and down that defined a large part of her life.

As a child, Sylvia did not have a good relationship with her father, as is displayed in the poem “Daddy.” This poem is not just about her struggle to escape the influence her father has over her, but also about the hopeless life she has been living.

Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath met in Cambridge, UK and are infamous for their tumultuous yet passionate relationship. Sylvia’s poetry reflects her life’s struggles, such as having to endure a mentally and physically abusive marriage and suffering a miscarriage. In 1963, Sylvia took her own life, tragically leaving behind her two young children, Frieda and Nicholas. Not long after this, Ted Hughes’ mistress, Assia Wevill, also took her own life.

Plath’s feeling of emptiness is evident in her poem “Tulips,” as she writes: “The tulips are too excitable, it is winter here.”

This poem, written in 1961, provides insight into her emotions while healing in the hospital after an appendectomy. There are also hints of sadness from the miscarriage she suffered.

If you are new to Sylvia Plath’s work, this book is a great place to start. Although it can be hard to find the meaning behind her poetry, the organization and diction of her writing is worth dedicating the time necessary to understand. I applaud Sylvia for her vulnerability during the darkest parts of her life while being a writer, mother, and wife. She not only had an incredible career but was a naturally talented writer.


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