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Photo Credits; Jonathan Simcoe

The New Power Struggle: How Generation Z is Changing the Face of Politics

Born between the end of the 1990s and the beginning of the 2010s, Generation Z is quickly becoming a powerful force in politics. Gen Z is changing politics in ways that are upending established power structures and rethinking the nature of governance thanks to their unique ideals, digital proficiency, and strong sense of social justice.

Prioritizing topics that are important to Generation Z, like mental health, racial and social justice, and climate change, is one of the biggest ways they are influencing politics. In contrast to other generations that might have given greater weight to worries about the economy or national security, Gen Z is motivated by a strong desire for systemic change that tackles global issues. Young people are becoming more active than ever, planning demonstrations, spearheading social media campaigns, and pushing for legislative reforms on causes that are close to their hearts.

Gen Z now uses social media as their main platform for political participation. Through real-time political accountability, they may mobilize sizable crowds, magnify their voices, and use social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. This generation of tech-savvy people is changing not just the way political messages are disseminated but also the way political campaigns are conducted. Politicians run the risk of alienating a sizable and significant voter base if they don’t interact with Gen Z on these platforms.

Furthermore, election results are already being significantly impacted by Gen Z’s entry into the voting booth. Young voters have voted in unprecedented numbers in recent years, frequently tipping close contests in favor of politicians who share their progressive views. Their votes have been vital in deciding the results of municipal and national elections, and their impact is especially noticeable in urban regions and college towns.

The conventional two-party system is under threat from the emergence of Generation Z in politics. Due to their disenchantment with both main political parties, a large number of young people choose independent or third-party candidates who, in their opinion, more closely align with their values. As Gen Z continues to demand more from its leaders, this change may result in a more divided political environment down the road.

Established politicians are starting to take notice of this expanding impact. While some have embraced Gen Z’s digital activism and actively engage young voters on social media, others have modified their platforms to address the topics that the generation finds important. However, if these initiatives are to gain the confidence and support of this important group of people, they have to go beyond simple interaction.


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