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Photo Credits: Canva

The Pressure of Fashion Trends on Teen Girls and Young Women (Op-ED)

As an almost 21-year-old girl, it was only recently that I became aware of the most-trending tops, or the next-best outfit for a summer day in the city. With a combination of social media trends and the college lifestyle, it is apparent that this generation holds fashion to a high standard.

The way you dress should be a proud representation of you. What you are comfortable and confident in, not what others deem is “in-style”. Over the past few months, I have seen influencers posting on TikTok about their “favorite fits”, or “pants you need this summer”. Although it comes from pure intentions, some girls look up to these influencers and believe they must dress exactly like them to feel pretty. 

This should not be the case. Subconsciously, teen girls feel as if dressing “trendy” is an act of validation or seeking approval. I know this because I am guilty of following fashion trends and buying something I would never usually wear. Before college, I never gave what I wore a second thought. However, once I entered my freshman year, the way I dressed was heavily regarded.

Between outfits for sorority events and new game-day attire for every football weekend, fashion was the talk of the town. As a girl who wanted to fit into her new college environment, I bought many clothes that I thought were “acceptable” for these outings. As an incoming junior, I now realize it didn’t matter as much as I originally believed.  

Social norms and pressure are a driving cause of the stress we face to “fit in”. We must realize that trying to dress a certain way or being someone you are not will never be fulfilling. Walk in your favorite pair of shoes, buy that shirt you feel confident in, and wear your lucky sweater! The best person you can be is yourself, and that is when you will feel the happiest.


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