Photo Credit: AARP

What is the “sleepy girl” mocktail? (Op-Ed)

A good night’s sleep is arguably one of the most impactful parts of your daily routine, affecting everything from your energy level, to your digestion, metabolism, mood, and more. 

As a result, it’s been the subject of countless hacks, tips, and trends attempting to help you achieve those heavenly ZZZ’s that are so essential for a productive day.

The latest trend in the running is the “sleepy girl” mocktail, a beverage usually consisting of a magnesium supplement in the form of a dissolvable powder paired with bottled tart cherry juice, both of which are shown to aid in restful sleep. Certain variations feature citrus juice, flavored or plain sparkling water, and other personalized garnishes and mixers to add to the fun and flavor.

Magnesium is often used to increase muscle and nerve function, improve bone health, and aid in energy production. All of these benefits, while not exclusive to helping your sleep quality, can provide support by inducing muscle relaxation, reducing nerve pain, and managing energy levels to get you to bed on time, relaxed, and ready to snooze. 

Tart cherry juice, the star of the drink, has been shown to contain melatonin, a critical hormone that your brain produces to manage your natural circadian rhythm. Plus, it tastes good. 

Now, why a mocktail? 

It’s no secret that a fairly large portion of the population occasionally indulges in a boozy beverage before bedtime. While the effects of alcohol may cause many of the same physical sensations as magnesium, i.e., muscle relaxation and less time to fall asleep, there is a tradeoff of dehydration, lower quality of sleep, and other symptoms of your typical post-buzz hangover. 

When consuming a beverage that appears as a fun drink and tastes pleasant too, it’s easy to achieve the same satisfaction as drinking an alcoholic beverage without the negative aspects. It may even help you to see it as something to look forward to as a treat reserved for your bedtime routine.

So, the next time you find yourself tossing and turning, consider a magnesium mocktail and sip your way to a peaceful slumber. 


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