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Why Trump’s felony convictions are having minimal impact on his campaign (Op-Ed)

An important concern has arisen as the 2024 presidential campaign progresses as everyone is wondering how Donald Trump’s criminal convictions may impact his campaign. First, media and legal observers speculated that a guilty conviction would severely damage his candidacy. Nevertheless, it seems that Trump’s campaign has shown remarkable resilience in the face of the changing legal situation.

The cases’ timing and characteristics are crucial. The only Trump legal battle that is expected to end before the election is the New York City “hush money” case, which is seen as the weakest of the bunch. The possible harm to Trump’s campaign is reduced because to this narrow focus. Trump and Biden were almost tied in a post-verdict Times/Siena poll, which ran counter to earlier projections of a little change in voter choice.

Something far more illuminating is going on in swing states. Important swing states like Arizona and Nevada have seen either little change or an increase in Trump support after the ruling. According to polls cited by Fox News, Trump has a five-point advantage against Biden in these states, with the 50th state, Virginia, which Biden won in 2020, currently in a dead heat.

The belief in his competence on important matters, including the economy and immigration, is fundamental to Trump’s ability to remain in office. Even though Trump has a history of legal problems, many people still put these worries ahead of the questions about the honesty that his convictions have generated. Even when Trump is embroiled in legal disputes, criticism of Biden’s handling of the situation tends to take center stage.

The conviction of Trump was also diluted by the fact that it occurred so early in the campaign season, in the middle of many other noteworthy incidents. Much of the public’s focus will be on the upcoming party conventions, how Biden deals with critical domestic and foreign crises, and how the candidates fare in the presidential debates.

Trump’s legal troubles will play a big role in the 2024 campaign, but voters will be more concerned with bigger picture concerns and his timing than with his legal troubles. These crucial concerns, not Trump’s legal status, will likely decide the election’s outcome as it draws near. 


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