Picture of Jenna Hodgkinson

Jenna Hodgkinson

Bio: Jenna Hodgkinson is a recent graduate of Salve Regina University where she studied Global Studies and Political Science. She is currently pursuing her Masters in International Relations from American Public University. Throughout her educational career she became passionate about research, analyzing, and writing out her findings to share. She enjoys reading, learning, and debating the theories of the world and is thrilled to get to share with the readers of NYCTastemakers.
New ArtistPast

Angelyse Mariah

“New” Artist of the Month for August 2023 Twitter Instagram Youtube Bio Control Bio Angelyse Mariah is a young up-and-coming singer and songwriter originally from a small town in New Jersey. Angelyse has spent most of her life performing and acting, starting with a dance recital at age 3. She ...

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Flashback ArtistPast

The Beach Boys

Flashback Artist of the Month for July 2023 Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube Bio Good Vibrations Bio The Beach Boys consisted of a group of Los Angeles natives that had a passion for surfing and music. The original members were brothers Brian and Dennis Wilson, Michael Love, Alan Jardine, and Bruce ...

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Chloe Jane

Artist of the Month for July 2023 Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube Tiktok Spotify Mouse-pointer Bio No Patience (No Tengo Paciencia) Bio At the ripe age of twenty-years-old, Chloe Jane has already made quite a name for herself in the music world. Originally from New York, she started dancing at age ...

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The best unhinged books to read while smiling on beach

The essence of the #beachread, most would agree, was more of a mood than anything else: attached to #vacation, it should be #enjoyable and #easy, with brisk pace and simple diction.

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DJ of the Month for June 2023 Facebook Instagram Youtube Bio Runaway Bio Born and raised in Benin, Hubert Sodogandji, also known as AMÉMÉ, leads One Tribe, a global community and brand identity centered on unity and a positive outlook. Fueled by an innate determination, drive, and passion, with attuned ...

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James Patterson Makes Good On $1M Promise To Indies

Less than 10 months after the day James Patterson swore a million-dollar promise, he has kept his word. The best-selling novelist announced he has donated about $437,000 to 81 independent bookstores — a gift that completes his plan to donate $1 million of his own money to support independent booksellers. ...

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Flashback ArtistPast

Whitney Houston

Flashback Artist of the Month for May 2023 Bio How Will I Know Bio Whitney Houston will always be remembered as one of the greats. From humble beginnings singing in a church choir to going on a world tour, anyone who got to hear her voice knew she was blessed ...

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MLB Power Rankings

It is nearing the end of April which means the MLB has been underway for almost a month. Every team has played at least 20 games and while we're still in "small sample" territory, we've seen a meaningful sample.

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Do We Still Need Libraries?

With people having more access to the internet in their homes, there is less of a need for libraries from the public. This confronts libraries with the threat of closing. This leads to the question of: do we still need libraries? The short and simple answer is yes, and here ...

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Clinging to Old Classics can Go Hand in Hand with Banning Books

someone attempts to ban Toni Morrison or Ta-Nehisi Coates, they’re also trying to corral our kids back to Hawthorne and Hemingway, Dante, and Dickens.

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Flashback AthletePast

Muhammad Ali

Flashback Athlete of the Month for April 2023 Bio Highlight Bio “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee”. Most people know these famous words from the greatest boxer of the 20th century, Muhammad Ali. Ali began boxing at the age of 12. By the age of 18 he had ...

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PastUnderground Artist


Underground Artist of the Month for April 2023 Twitter Youtube Tiktok Bio RIDE Bio 27-year-old Forrest Frank is a singer, instrumentalist and producer best known for being part of the genre-blending band Surfaces. Forrest grew up in Texas and attended Baylor University where he met Colin Padalecki. Previously, Forrest had ...

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