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  • Baldur’s Gate 3 is more than just Game of the Year, it is a celebration of diversity and inclusion. (Op-Ed)
Photo Credit: Larian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3 is more than just Game of the Year, it is a celebration of diversity and inclusion. (Op-Ed)

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a massive Dungeons & Dragons-inspired roleplaying game that allows gamers to make their own unique character and become fully immersed in a fantasy, medieval land. What sets Baldur’s Gate apart from other games is the sheer amount of customization; every choice you make affects the story, so you can play several times and have a completely different experience each time. The expansive story, endless options, and stunning graphics have earned Baldur’s Gate the Game of the Year Award, along with six other GOTY awards, and several BAFTA awards, including BAFTA Game of the Year. More than that, it unites an entire community of gamers regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation.

What stood out to me immediately in the character creator was the options for race, gender, and biology. While most games usually only have a few skin tones for people of color, Baldur’s Gate has many. You can choose your character’s gender identity (man, woman, or non-binary) and physical sexual characteristics. This ensures that transgender and gender non-conforming players don’t have to make any sacrifices. While other games, notably Cyberpunk: 2077, have options for transgender characters, Baldur’s Gate goes a step further in terms of customization.

When it comes to romance, it is usually an afterthought in typical AAA games, either nonexistent or rather short. Regardless of your gender, you can romance any of the companion characters in your party, and some outside of your party as well. You can choose the sassy vampire Astarion, the quiet and shy Shadowheart, the brave and bold Wyll, the boisterous Tiefling Karlach, the aggressive Gith’yanki Lae’zel, the handsome sorcerer Gale, and many more (I’m looking at you, Halsin and Withers romancers!). Now, your actions and choices may make a character less likely to be interested in you, but gender is not a factor.

Each character has an incredibly detailed backstory, and compelling quests that you can choose to take part in to get them better. I highly recommend that you interact with your companions frequently, as they have a lot to say. The characters feel real, and the incredible voice acting gives them heart and soul. None of them are perfect, they all have flaws, their own beliefs, and their own opinions. If you do something kind and honorable, most of your companions will like it, save for Astarion. If you do something cruel and rude, most of your companions will dislike it… save for Astarion.

You don’t have to play as a hero, either. You can be as evil or as pure as you desire, or somewhere in between. You can play as yourself, make decisions you normally would, or roleplay as an entirely new character you come up with. Every action you make impacts the story, your companions, and your reputation. There are currently 4 true endings, however, there are 17,000 different variations of these endings depending on the characters in your party and the difficult choices you’ve had to make. Larian Studios recently revealed that they are adding several more “evil” endings and cutscenes in future updates.

It is impossible to have the same playthrough twice. While the main quest framework is the same, you, the player, are in complete control of your actions. Gamers are encouraged to think outside of the box and create their own experience. You are the star of the game, and Baldur’s Gate makes that certain. After amassing 300 hours of playtime, I still haven’t discovered everything.

Players from all over the globe have united in their love of Baldur’s Gate 3 and the inclusivity the game provides. The freedom of creativity is sometimes not found in many games that have sharp, predetermined choices. It’s truly a masterpiece centered around creating your very own narrative. All studios should aspire to foster the same diversity and inclusion as Larian has done with Baldur’s Gate 3.


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