In 40 years as Guardian Angels in NYC we were never asked to patrol the 18th Ave. Bensonhurst Fair in Brooklyn. This year was quite different. Because there has been a slow down of NYPD response the community and a Captain of a nearby Precinct asked us to patrol this very crowded 10 day Festival. The main problem was that gangs….the Crips and the Bloods were coming down to the Feast and starting fights with the local thugs.
Our Brooklyn Guardian Angel patrols have taken turns patrolling the Feast each nite. They’ve been breaking up fights and disputes and have escorted the Crips and Bloods away from the Feast. Milton, Sylvia, Crazy J, RV, Jaguar, Raven, Robo Cop and Lou’82 have been doing the bulk of the patrols.
The community couldn’t be happier for the support that we’ve given to their beloved annual feast.