Keeping up with the Guardian Angels

Cleveland's Annual St Rocco's Feast

Every year for the last 11 years the Cleveland Guardian Angels have been called upon by the community, Police & festival coordinators to help stop the violence between gang members that threaten the public’s safety at the Annual St Rocco’s Feast. People come from all throughout Ohio and Pennsylvania to attend this 4 day Italian feast. The Guardian Angels have many times stopped fights as well as gotten in between gang banger stabbing & shooting instances before they erupted into total chaos. For the past 6 years since our assistance there has never been a violent issue as we keep the gangbangers away and allow the public to come out and enjoy the festival. Every year the Guardian Angels conduct this safety patrol for 4 days straight from 5:30 pm to midnight Friday thru Monday on one of the most notoriously violent weekends, Labor Day Weekend. The Guardian Angels have such a pronounced impact that the local police supports their calls in every situation without hesitation.

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