Best Summer Fruits

Although for many people summer is a time filled with intense heat and zero motivation to step outside because of how hot it is, something that can make any summer day into an amazing one is fruit. Many fruits go back in season during the summer months, meaning that the time to eat fruit is now. If you are sitting by the pool, having a summer picnic with friends, or just relaxing inside and watching a movie, these are the best summer fruits to snack on.


One of my personal favorites, strawberries are arguably one of the best fruits of the summer. Not only can you eat them plain, but you can put them in a smoothie, in desserts, and eat them with some whip cream. They are so delicious and refreshing, and perfect to eat when it’s hot outside. In addition, they aren’t that big, meaning that they are the perfect size if you want to pack them up and bring them to the pool or a picnic!

Raspberries and/or Blackberries

Raspberries and blackberries are at their best in the summer months. It’s a healthy snack to munch on while watching Netflix, and you can even add them to things such as fruit bowls and yogurt. It’s healthy, filling, and so so delicious.


I have many fond summer memories of sitting by the pool or going to a park with friends and snacking on some watermelon. We’d have competitions to see who can spit a watermelon seed the furthest, and have watermelon juice running down our faces. When I think of summer, I think of watermelon. It’s an extremely refreshing fruit, and there is nothing like being outside all day and then eating a nice cold watermelon.


Another one of my favorite fruits, cherries, are so so yummy in the summer. I feel like cherries are at their absolute best during the summer months. So after months of not eating cherries during the other seasons, when summer arrives all I want to do is eat them. They are sweet, juicy, and a perfect snack to eat by the pool.


Another berry to add to the list! What can I say, berries are just the best, especially in the summer. Blueberries are perfect for the summer time, they are wonderful on their own, but also delicious in smoothies, yogurt, and desserts.


In the past, I never really understood the hype when it came to mangoes. Now that I’ve actually tried a good mango, I completely agree when people say that mangoes are delicious. Juicy, flavorable, and fun to eat, mangoes are not only in season during the summer, but an amazing dessert and snack.


Peaches are so so so so so so so good. Did I mention how good they are? There is nothing in the world like grabbing a nice ripe peach, and biting down and having all the juice run down your face. Although it’s hard to find a good one, when you do, it’s one of the best things in the world.


I don’t know a single person who does not like grapes. Plus, I feel like everytime I eat grapes, they are always good. They are crunchy, sweet, easy to take to the pool or the park. You can mindlessly snack on them, and they’re healthy, which is just another plus.


Now I know this one might be controversial. I’ve always heard mixed reviews when it comes to cantaloupe and whether it’s a good fruit or not. In my personal opinion, I love love love cantaloupe. Maybe it’s because I grew up eating it, or maybe it’s because I’ve been lucky and have always eaten a delicious cantaloupe. Either way, if you’ve had a bad experience with one, I recommend giving it another try because they are definitely worth it.


I don’t know what it is about plums and summer, but they are perfect in these specific months. When you first bite into one, it’s crunchy and juicy and just so satisfying to eat. Perfect to snack on!


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