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Photo Credits: Wikimedia Commons / By Petty Officer 1st Class Mark O'Donald, USN

Bill O’Reilly claims only Michelle Obama can beat Trump

With the news that Donald Trump won New Hampshire, Democrats are especially starting to realize the probability of his return. Now, the question that remains is who could stand on equal ground as an opponent.

“Biden has dementia. I mean, I knew this to be true…So that is going to become more and more clear in the next months…He is totally kept apart from the American people in every single way,” says political commentator Bill O’Reilly.

Reilly compared the current president to Woodrow Wilson who suffered a stroke during the second term of his presidency in 1919. He also asserted that the current POTUS leader will resign for health reasons and that at the Democratic convention, Michelle Obama will be chosen to run against Trump.

“Let’s assume this summer as we approach the convention whether it be legal problems, health problems, performance problems, or all three, Joe Biden is just not up to making the race, then the Obamas will have a decision to make. Do they want Michelle Obama to get the nomination rather than Kamala Harris, who is a certain loser, a stone-cold loser? Maybe, just maybe. Long shot, yes. Impossible, no,” says Doug Schoen, Democratic strategist, in response to Reilly’s assertion.

Many people are skeptical about Obama running for office; however, many other Democrats also carry the same sentiment that the former First Lady is the Democrats’ last hope against Trump. Especially since Biden, who many think isn’t up to the challenge of going up against his former opponent, won the Democratic primary in New Hampshire without being on the ballot. This was due to the overwhelming amount of write-ins for him.

“What is going to happen in this election? I’m terrified about what could possibly happen, because our leaders matter. Who we select, who speaks for us, who holds that bully pulpit, it affects us in ways sometimes I think people take for granted,” the former First Lady commented.


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