Ray Negron's Playball Weekly Blog

Byron Janis… The Cold War’s cultural ambassador

As I step out of Penn Station I look at the Empire State Building and all the other structures around it. My head screams out some of the music of my wonderful friend Byron Janis.

There was once a Movie called City for Conquest which starred James Cagney and Arthur Kennedy. That film could have easily been about Byron. The blood sweat and tears that it takes to get to the top of the mountain.

Byron did that and more.

The thing that I loved about this incredible virtuoso was the fact that he accepted everything that came with his greatness. The fact that he had to share himself with the world, whether he wanted to or not. With his great worldwide fame came major sacrifices. There are just too many to go into.

He was truly as fearless an entertainer (that includes sports) as there ever had been.

I have concluded that the reason why he isn’t heard of say like Muhammad Ali (whom I adored) is simply because of his incredible humbleness. Had he been just a little bit of a braggart he would have been as big as Mozart Elvis or Sinatra yet he was every bit as great and more. In his genre, he was the king.

In different parts of the world, he was truly idolized. That includes Russia where he was worshipped as a true musical hero and genius.

The fact that my biological father was Cuban I would learn so much about Byron and the fact that he was so loved there.

During the Cuban missile crisis during the early sixties, America was brilliant in the fact that they asked Byron to help with the extremely difficult and tense situation. The thought that we were headed to World War Three truly scared the world. Knowing that Byron had a great relationship with both Russia and Cuba one way or another the world powers were able to come to terms. I’m not educated enough to tell you exactly how Byron was used however because of my many friends in politics I can honestly tell you that this man was an underrated hero.

There is no coincidence that Cuba would have Byron be the first American truly welcomed there after all these crazy times.

Byron Janis would be labeled… The Cold Wars Cultural Ambassador!

If it was up to me Byron Janis would have been labeled an honorary Saint!

Since he was of Jewish descent, at least an honorary Rabbi.

For those of you who have not read about Byron Janis, do yourself a favor and do so. It’s incredible.

To the Hollywood producers looking for Academy Award content…. It is right in front of your eyes.

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