Demi Lovato Comes out as Non-Binary

Demi Lovato has come out as non-binary and has brought up an important message to empower others. In their podcast 4D with Demi Lovato, they said that this “best represents the fluidity I feel in my gender expression and allows me to feel most authentic and true to the person I both know I am and am still discovering.” This episode of the podcast includes Alok Vaid-Menon, a gender-nonconforming author. In this conversation, Lovato also shares their hopes for others to take people’s pronouns seriously and to not be afraid of embracing their identities. Lovato has also changed their pronouns to they/them, which everyone should be supportive of. 

While Demi Lovato has a troubled past, they still stand as a symbol of acceptance and empowerment. In this episode of the podcast, Lovato said that their overdose in 2018 was a result of “ignoring my truth, and I was suppressing who I really am in order to please stylists, or team members, or this or that, or even fans that wanted me to be the sexy, feminine pop star in the, in the leotard and look a certain way.” 

On top of this announcement, Lovato is also sharing resources on their Instagram to educate others. Their latest Instagram caption reads: “Non-binary is a term used to describe individuals who may experience a gender identity that is neither exclusively male or female or is in between, beyond, or totally independent of those two binary genders.” 

Lovato is generally known for being open with their fans, especially in their personal life. Regarding coming out as non-binary, Lovato stated that “I’m doing this for those out there that haven’t been able to share who they truly are with their loved ones. Please keep living in your truths & know I am sending much love your way xox.” Demi’s fanbase is excited to see not only how they will continue to empower their supporters but also how Lovato will continue to take their music career to the next level. 

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